10-Minute Alphabet Veggie Soup

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10-Minute Alphabet Veggie Soup

10 Min Veggie Soup Photo

Parents of kids everywhere can recognize the signs: voices become a little louder, claims that someone “just won’t leave me alone!” get a little more insistent, and an extra mischievous child is discovered trying to sneak out of the kitchen with a box of Cheez-Its tucked under their shirt. 

The Hanger (hungry+angry) has set in, and it’s real. 

Your only hope is to get dinner on the table, and fast. And while we wouldn’t judge you for simply pouring out a big serving of Cheez-Its for the whole family, everyone knows that the best cure for the hangries is a quick dinner that’s also healthy, delicious, and fun for kids and grown-ups alike. 

This is why we love this 10-Minute Alphabet Veggie Soup—kiddos will love searching for different letters, and parents love that it’s chock full of the nutrient-packed veggies needed for growing bodies and minds. Added bonus: it’s a great option for vegetarian households or folks just trying to meet their “meatless Monday” meal-prep goals. 


Souper Soup

Of course, with many families spending more time together at home, it’s entirely possible that your house isn’t the only one trying to fight off the dinnertime hangries. So whether you just got a text from a friend worried that he’s not cut out to be an instant homeschooling expert AND still get a meal on the table, or you happen to hear a neighbor loudly explaining to their child why they can’t have any more screen time, it might be time to share the love and drop off a batch of this soup to another dinnertime warrior.

Because even the most valiant fighter needs a break—including your fellow parents in the work/live/teach at home struggle. So before you let a friend succumb to the hangries, make them this soup, or send them a little sanity-in-a-box with a care package filled with fresh rolls, delicious cookies, and homestyle soup made with lots of love and lots of flavor. 

There may come a day where we give in and eat snacks for dinner, and that’s okay. We’ll be here with easy recipes and ready-to-ship care packages so you can try again tomorrow. Recipe for our favorite 10-minute meal below, and remember to check-in with your fellow parents—we really are all in this together! 

Alphabet Vegetable Soup

10-Minute Alphabet Veggie Soup

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 3 celery, diced
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 1 zucchini, sliced and halved
  • 1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes 
  • 32 oz vegetable broth
  • 3.5 oz Alphabet pasta
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt or 1 tomato bouillion
  • 2/3 cup frozen corn
  • 2/3 cup frozen peas
  • 2/3 cup frozen green beans

Heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add carrots, celery and onion. Cook 4-5 minutes; until carrots are crisp-tender. Add zucchini, cook 2 minutes more. Add tomatoes, broth, pasta and salt. Cook for 10 minutes, then stir in corn, peas and green beans. Cook for 2 more minutes, then serve. 

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