What Are Good Employee Appreciation Gifts?

What Are Good Employee Appreciation Gifts?

If you are a business owner, manager, or supervisor, you know good employees are one of your greatest assets. Fair compensation and a supportive environment are an important part of a healthy work cuture. Giving employees gifts, either for a job well done, a special life event, or just because, shows that you are willing to go above the norm to acknowledge hard work and dedication. What are some good employee appreciation gifts?

Employee Appreciation Gifts: Why It’s Important to Show You Care

We all know that wage and benefits (insurance, personal time, flexible schedules) make a big difference in employee satisfaction. And while payday and time off are important, they are part of what a staff expects. Giving employees gifts is special and memorable, and it sets you apart as an employer who notices and cares. Regular appreciation and recognition in the workplace has many benefits, including:

  • Boosting morale
  • Illustrating the importance of teamwork
  • Strengthening loyalty
  • Motivating employees
  • Making people happy

When to Give Employee Appreciation Gifts

You should show appreciation to your employees regularly, but there are some natural times for a more formal gift. 

Acknowledging a Job Well Done

Some common gift-giving opportunities for acknowledging good performance include:

  • Achieving a team goal
  • Holiday gift-giving
  • Recognizing above-and-beyond performance or diligence

Employee Anniversaries

The cost of employee turnover, whether in the first six months or losing a long-term employee, can have a huge impact on any company in any business or industry. Research indicates that rehiring and training after losing a good, salaried employee can cost around six to nine months’ salary.

When you recognize employee anniversaries, you are telling them, “Thanks for sticking around and being an awesome part of our team.”

Employee appreciation image

Gift Giving Etiquette for Employees

As with many aspects of being an employer, you want your employee appreciation gift-giving to be fair and equitable. Some keys to successful employee gift-giving include:

  • Making a gift timely (acknowledge exemplary performance within a week)
  • Encouraging peer-to-peer acknowledgment
  • Knowing your employees

Using the five Ws can also be very helpful in determining and finalizing employee recognition. For example:

  • Who are you giving it to? Is it a single employee, small group, or entire office?
  • What are you going to give? Give something that has meaning and won’t just be thrown in a drawer. Avoid “thanks for nothing” gifts.
  • When are you going to give it? If it is a company-wide appreciation, make it a special event. If not, consider whether the recognition will help or hinder morale.
  • Where are you going to give it to them? Acknowledging an amazing yet painfully shy employee at the annual awards ceremony is not a good call. You may even want to have the appreciation gift delivered to their home.
  • Why are they receiving it? Make sure there is a clear reason for their receiving of the gift.

Corporate gift baskets are an easy and versatile way to provide delicious thank you treats. And with a Spoonful of Comfort corporate account, you can enjoy benefits such as special discounts and rewards.

Employee Appreciation Gift Ideas

So, what are good employee appreciation gifts? A few fun and practical ideas include:

  • Certificates for massages, mani/pedis, or spa days
  • Catered lunch for the office, team, or unit
  • Outdoor BBQ on a nice day
  • Gift cards for dinner and a movie (don’t forget about food delivery services and online streaming services!)
  • Employee appreciation specialty gifts like Cookie Comforts or Classic Soup Packages
  • Extra personal time
  • Self-care kit with items like healthy snacks and beverages, lip balm and lotion, and a relaxing eye mask
  • Ergonomic desk accessories
  • Company swag like creative clothing and cups

Caring and Concern

There is one more vitally important and impactful way to show employees that they matter. When someone is going through a tough time, sending a care package that lets them know you’re thinking of them and reminds them that they are not just an employee number. They have people at work who care. Give them something to remember with Spoonful of Comfort.

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